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Advanced Financial Risk Management Certification Course » FMA08

Advanced Financial Risk Management Certification Course

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DateFormatDurationFees (GBP)Register
16 Dec - 20 Dec, 2024Live Online5 Days£1875Register →
13 Jan - 21 Jan, 2025Live Online7 Days£3825Register →
24 Feb - 07 Mar, 2025Live Online10 Days£5825Register →
24 Mar - 04 Apr, 2025Live Online10 Days£5825Register →
14 Apr - 18 Apr, 2025Live Online5 Days£2850Register →
11 Jun - 13 Jun, 2025Live Online3 Days£1975Register →
14 Jul - 18 Jul, 2025Live Online5 Days£2850Register →
13 Aug - 15 Aug, 2025Live Online3 Days£1975Register →
06 Oct - 10 Oct, 2025Live Online5 Days£2850Register →
10 Nov - 14 Nov, 2025Live Online5 Days£2850Register →
22 Dec - 26 Dec, 2025Live Online5 Days£2850Register →
DateVenueDurationFees (GBP)
13 Jan - 24 Jan, 2025Amsterdam10 Days£8750Register →
19 Feb - 21 Feb, 2025New York3 Days£4125Register →
10 Mar - 14 Mar, 2025London5 Days£4750Register →
21 Apr - 25 Apr, 2025Dubai5 Days£4200Register →
28 May - 30 May, 2025London3 Days£3825Register →
30 Jun - 02 Jul, 2025Accra3 Days£3525Register →
21 Jul - 23 Jul, 2025Istanbul3 Days£3825Register →
20 Aug - 22 Aug, 2025Lisbon3 Days£3825Register →
22 Sep - 24 Sep, 2025Amsterdam3 Days£3825Register →
01 Oct - 03 Oct, 2025Los Angeles3 Days£4125Register →
12 Nov - 14 Nov, 2025London3 Days£3825Register →
10 Dec - 12 Dec, 2025Dubai3 Days£3375Register →

Why select this training course?

In finance, risk management sees potential threats, weighs the pros and cons of accepting them, and then decides how to proceed with an investment. Recent changes in the corporate climate have highlighted the need for risk awareness and sound risk management. Professionals who are well-versed in and have mastered the art of mitigating financial risks, such as those posed by fluctuations in the cost of commodities like gas and oil, the demand for foreign currency, and interest rates, are better equipped to grow their businesses and organizations into profitable enterprises.

What is the financial risk management process?

The first step is always to recognize the risk. In this stage, you must think about everything that may go wrong and harm the organization’s finances. To properly prioritize a set of possible financial hazards, evaluating and quantifying each risk is necessary. This is crucial since more urgent dangers must be addressed more quickly than less severe ones. There are various methods for dealing with risk, and which one is used depends on its severity. Strategies range from complete risk avoidance to risk retention. It is essential to keep an eye on potential financial risks since both new ones and shifts in existing ones might develop at any time. To ensure financial troubles have been appropriately handled, their efficacy must be tracked and reported.

Why is an advanced financial risk management course essential?

Advanced Financial Risk Management Course provides participants with the skills to avoid corporate scandals like the one witnessed recently in the business world. With the skills gained from this Course, participants can make justifiable solid decisions in their organizations regarding investments that foster business growth without taking unnecessary risks. They will also be able to protect their assets and save money while ultimately increasing their company’s profitability.

This Advanced Financial Risk Management Certification Course by Rcademy will fully prepare its participants with the necessary skills to solve real-world problems in financial risk management. It will also develop their understanding of the world’s problems through theoretical frameworks with relevant case studies. Due to rising competition, those who thrive in the financial sector are the individuals who best show their worth to their employers. By obtaining their Advanced Financial Risk Management Certification from Rcademy, they will demonstrate that their knowledge and abilities are at par with global standards and gain access to a community of highly qualified risk professionals working for some of the world’s most prestigious companies and organizations

Who should attend?

The Advanced Financial Risk Management Certification Course by Rcademy is suitable for:

  • Relationship managers that work directly with clients
  • Finance managers
  • Risk auditors
  • Risk analysts
  • professionals who wish to improve their knowledge of risk management
  • Financial officers
  • Chief compliance officers
  • supervisory officers
  • Risk management committee members
  • Professionals who want to switch careers

What are the course objectives?

The main objectives of The Advanced Financial Risk Management Certification Course by Rcademy is to empower its participants to:

  • Critically evaluate derivatives as a risk management tool
  • Deeply understand various techniques used to develop different models
  • Understand the importance of risk control in the present global environment
  • Critically evaluate the alternative risk management techniques, policies, and instruments to manage risks
  • Identify the significant financial risks facing their organizations
  • Apply volatility updating, and weakness of different backtests to understand the risk
  • Design and justify risk management strategies
  • Design and implement advanced and future hedging strategies to mitigate financial risks
  • Generate realistic but scaled-down risk reports
  • Understand the current academic research that is used to combat the risk
  • Articulate the principles of credit risk, strategies, and value-at-risk by firms to manage such risks
  • Effectively develop various techniques to handle risks in their portfolios while following legislations and guidelines

How will this course be presented?

The theoretical framework in this training course has been designed to provide relevant and valid skills to the participants and the technical know-how for managing financial risks. In addition, the methods used for content delivery have been tested and proven to work in training professionals. These methods will include videos, presentations, interactive engagement, discussions on current trends, financial risks history analysis, and case studies. Finally, the participants will have the chance to study how to apply the skills and knowledge learned in this Course in the real world.

What are the topics covered in this course?

Module 1: An Overview of Risk Management

  • Why study this course
  • Risk management vs risk assessment
  • Basic understanding of statistics
  • Why risk management is important
  • Fundamental concepts of probability
  • Taxonomy of risks
  • Introduction to stochastic processes

Module 2: Different Types of Risks

  • Derivative risks
    – Sensitivity measures: the Greeks
    – Options
    – Forwards
    – Option valuation
    – Futures
  • Equity risks
    – Equity portfolio risk and performance evaluation
    – Elements of portfolio theory
    – Systematic vs idiosyncratic risk
    – Understanding Equity
    – The capital asset pricing model
  • Fixed income risks
    – Rate risk: convexity and duration
    –  Foreign exchange risks
    – Bonds and swap arithmetic
    – Delta and delta-gamma (convexity) approximations

Module 3: Model-Based Approaches to Market Risk

  • Extreme value techniques
  • Single risk factor models
  • Portfolio risk measures
  • Dimensionality
  • Modeling the joint behavior of multiple risk factor
  • Techniques to reduce complexity

Module 4: Risk Capital Allocation

  • Risk budgeting
  • Merton-Perold risk capital
  • Measures of risk-adjusted returns
  • Definitions of risk and economic capital

Module 5: Measuring Market Risk with Historical Data

  • Profit loss vs returns
  • Confidence intervals for risk measure estimates
  • Volatility updating
  • Determining the loss distribution
  • Techniques to improve the accuracy of risk estimates
  • Computing risk measure estimates
  • Bootstrapping the sample data
  • Collecting data to model the behavior of risk factors

Module 6: Fundamental Ideas of Risk Management

  • Stress testing
  • Risk factor
  • Scenario analysis
  • Coherent risk measures
  • Profit-loss distribution
  • Risk measures:
    – Lower partial moments,
    – Value at risk
    – The expected shortfall, etc
  • Sources of model risk
  • Additional tests for parametric VaR models
  • How to correctly backtest VaR models

Module 7: Credit Risks and Credit Risk Management

  • Credit derivatives
  • Approaches to modeling credit risks
  • Default correlation and portfolio credit risk
  • Credit risk measures
  • Parametric approaches
  • Credit VaR models
  • Calculation of VaR
  • Monte Carlo techniques

Module 8: Liquidity and Operational Risk Management

  • Trading risk: liquidity-adjusted VaR
  • Algorithmic high-frequency trading and market liquidity
  • Funding risk: asset-liability management
  • Operational risk modeling
  • Taxonomy of operational risks
  • A VaR approach to operational risk
  • Operational risks regulations

Module 9: Regulatory Capital

  • Systemic risk
  • Leverage and liquidity constraints
  • Motives for prudential risk regulations
  • Evolution of the Basel capital requirements
  • Best practices for risk governance
  • Integrated risk management within financial institutions
  • Designing effective risk management frameworks
  • Understanding Basel regulations
  • Aggregating financial and non-financial risks

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