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Certificate in Strategic Investment Management Course » FMA23

Certificate in Strategic Investment Management Course

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DateFormatDurationFees (GBP)Register
23 Dec - 25 Dec, 2024Live Online3 Days£1455Register →
13 Jan - 17 Jan, 2025Live Online5 Days£2850Register →
10 Feb - 18 Feb, 2025Live Online7 Days£3825Register →
10 Mar - 28 Mar, 2025Live Online15 Days£8675Register →
09 Apr - 11 Apr, 2025Live Online3 Days£1975Register →
07 Jul - 09 Jul, 2025Live Online3 Days£1975Register →
06 Aug - 08 Aug, 2025Live Online3 Days£1975Register →
08 Sep - 12 Sep, 2025Live Online5 Days£2850Register →
27 Oct - 31 Oct, 2025Live Online5 Days£2850Register →
17 Nov - 21 Nov, 2025Live Online5 Days£2850Register →
08 Dec - 19 Dec, 2025Live Online10 Days£5825Register →
DateVenueDurationFees (GBP)
16 Dec - 18 Dec, 2024Venice3 Days£3725Register →
27 Jan - 29 Jan, 2025Madrid3 Days£3825Register →
17 Feb - 21 Feb, 2025Marrakech5 Days£4350Register →
10 Mar - 21 Mar, 2025Bali10 Days£8025Register →
28 Apr - 02 May, 2025Munich5 Days£4750Register →
12 May - 16 May, 2025Chicago5 Days£5150Register →
23 Jun - 27 Jun, 2025Cairo5 Days£4350Register →
28 Jul - 01 Aug, 2025Stockholm5 Days£4750Register →
27 Aug - 29 Aug, 2025Dubai3 Days£3375Register →
10 Sep - 12 Sep, 2025Chicago3 Days£4125Register →
13 Oct - 17 Oct, 2025Frankfurt5 Days£4750Register →
12 Nov - 14 Nov, 2025Zurich3 Days£3825Register →
03 Dec - 05 Dec, 2025Venice3 Days£3825Register →

Why Select this Training Course?

Investment management can be knowledgeable, resourceful, and adept in the organization’s performance. However, the corporation will face challenges in surviving in the industry without reliable methods. The strategic investment is the framework or outline that an organization draws in the business or where to invest by having a clear investment path. It will give the company the guidelines for the control associated with the institution’s future actions and direction. It will also show the organization’s current position and where to invest to reach its goal.

Choosing a course at Rcademy in Strategic investment management is among the most vital decisions that will help you determine the long-term performance of any investment. Investing in highly volatile sectors, pandemic occurrences, rapidly changing economies, and cutting-edge technology requires a more agile approach. This Rcademy course will test your familiarity with the most up-to-date investment sustainability concepts and the factors that influence the value of securities (including residential, industrial, and commercial properties). In addition, the course will assist you in choosing the winning investment control method vital to keeping a resilient portfolio in the recent volatile industry.

What are some of the investment models?

Some of the investment methods in the industry include value entrusting, contrarian entrusting, income investing, dividend growth investment, growth investment, passive and active strategies, and indexing.

Which is the most effective investment model?

The most effective method of investing is Buy and Hold. The purchase and hold technique is practical as it has proven itself long and allows the company to perform exactly as the name states. The business will buy an investment and hold it for a long time before selling it.

The Certificate in Strategic Investment Management Course by Rcademy will enable you to make effective investment decisions that will help your company’s plans. Strategic investment management will let all executives participate actively in creating high value for their firm, even while the industry they operate in undergoes rapid change. The course gives potential/ current investors and financial analysts a unique chance to learn modern investment methods. The course shows the techniques that progressively beat the industry, such as contrarian investment and momentum trading. Participants will learn about active and passive control approaches, build leading performance indicators and industry sentiment, apply the usage of derivatives to protect their portfolios, identify high-development areas, and more.

Who Should Attend?

The Certificate in Strategic Investment Management Course by Rcademy is ideal for:

  • Traders
  • Investors’ analysts and advisers
  • Investor relations experts and corporate communication
  • Heads of department and strategic planning team members
  • Budgeting and financial planning professionals
  • Investors in general

What are the Course Objectives?

The objectives of The Certificate in Strategic Investment Management Course by Rcademy are to enable professionals to:

  • Determine how to create a portfolio control method using the different derivative and asset instructions
  • Understand the responsibility of investment organizations in portfolio control and the strategic growth
  • Learn of the current industry dynamics
  • Learn the different financial commands, such as the array of derivative hedges, assumptions and take advantage of the industry arbitrage occasions
  • Determine the competencies of adopting the recent portfolio approach to security evaluation and portfolio control in the actual world

How will this Course be Presented?

The strategic investment management program at Rcademy uses learning methods driven by the right studying goals supported by significant objectives and curriculum. The learner’s understanding will be assessed through quizzes, experimental studying, assignments, and a group development strategy audit. There are in-depth instructions for all the activities in the program at Rcademy. The instructor will monitor all learning activities to help ensure that they meet the intended learning goals.

This Rcademy training course will assist you in learning about the topics covered in the course outline using proven adult studying materials and facilitation methods. The seminar techniques include role play, case study, and group discussions to evaluate and analyze strategic investment management’s primary challenges.

The strategic investment management course is specially structured to give participants skills and knowledge for professional growth.

What are the Topics Covered in this Course?

Module 1: The Recent Trend in the Investment Surrounding and the Asset Selection Methods

  • The needed rate of return
  • Investment opportunities available
  • Return and risk
  • Portfolio approach
  • Asset pricing techniques
  • Capital market approach
  • Sustainability investment technique

Module 2: Incompetent Markets

  • Market anomalies
  • Behavioral financing
  • Efficient market hypothesis
  • Equity evaluation methods
  • Environmental finance
  • Noise trading
  • Pandemics and finance crisis
  • Advanced portfolio choosing (contrarian and momentum trading)
  • Environmental finance

Module 3: Performance Measures and Portfolio Management

  • Top-down investment activity
  • Active equity portfolio control models
  • Passive equity portfolio control models
  • Tactical asset allocation
  • Strategic asset selection
  • Style investment
  • Hedging portfolios
  • Value versus development
  • Islamic and conventional fund control

Module 4: Financial Derivates Application

  • Interest rate threat management
  • Bond costing
  • Matched- funding models
  • Passive bond portfolio methods
  • Active bond management techniques
  • Derivative directions
  • Features, forward, and options
  • Buy write model
  • Permanent income portfolio control

Module 5: The Current Growth and Individual Finance

  • Multilateral trading structures
  • Financial markets and natural disasters
  • Brexit
  • Energy markets
  • Financial issues of terrorism
  • Individual finance

Module 6: The Goal of Investment Portfolio Management

  • Maximizing returns
  • Capital appreciation
  • Portfolio flexibility
  • Safeguarding from excess financial exposure
  • Threat optimization
  • Promoting the general portfolio efficiency
  • Maximum fund allocation

Module 7: Factors Influencing the Investment Management

  • Age of the investor
  • Timespan
  • Threat tolerance stage

Module 8: Investment Portfolio Management Process

  • Recognizing investment goals
  • Capital market estimation
  • Deciding property allocation
  • Portfolio strategy formulation
  • Selection of investment and securities
  • Portfolio adoption
  • Evaluation and revision of portfolio
  • Portfolio rebalancing

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