Certified Compliance Specialist
Date | Format | Duration | Fees (GBP) | Register |
10 Mar - 28 Mar, 2025 | Live Online | 15 Days | £7850 | Register → |
09 Apr - 11 Apr, 2025 | Live Online | 3 Days | £1725 | Register → |
14 Jul - 18 Jul, 2025 | Live Online | 5 Days | £2525 | Register → |
11 Aug - 22 Aug, 2025 | Live Online | 10 Days | £5325 | Register → |
08 Sep - 26 Sep, 2025 | Live Online | 15 Days | £7850 | Register → |
08 Dec - 12 Dec, 2025 | Live Online | 5 Days | £2525 | Register → |
Date | Venue | Duration | Fees (GBP) | Register |
10 Feb - 14 Feb, 2025 | Los Angeles | 5 Days | £4950 | Register → |
14 Apr - 18 Apr, 2025 | Dubai | 5 Days | £4050 | Register → |
12 May - 14 May, 2025 | Singapore | 3 Days | £3175 | Register → |
15 Sep - 19 Sep, 2025 | Cape Town | 5 Days | £4125 | Register → |
06 Oct - 10 Oct, 2025 | Houston | 5 Days | £4950 | Register → |
22 Dec - 09 Jan, 2026 | London | 15 Days | £12400 | Register → |
Why select this training course?
Are you in a business sector that is heavily regulated? Do you worry about your company’s compliance with these regulations without falling foul of regulations? It is difficult enough to keep up with the existing rules, let alone all the new ones constantly coming up. For this reason, the first step in preventing a business or organization from going under is the implementation of sound Corporate Governance. To achieve this, an organization must have a good compliance culture.
Good compliance is the driving force behind a successful and recognized business. An organization’s renown and reputation may be built or ruined based on how well-prepared and adaptable it is to new regulatory standards and directives at the local and international levels. Therefore, the stakes are high for senior management executives and in-house compliance officers to ensure that the company’s policies and procedures are properly implemented.
What does a compliance specialist do?
A Compliance Specialist ensures that an organization’s operations and events correspond with established and relevant guidelines, laws, and regulations.
What makes a good compliance specialist?
A good Compliance Specialist must have a good understanding of the business, standards, and policies, the ability to manage people, and good communication skills.
By taking The Certified Compliance Specialist Training Course by Rcademy, individuals can gain a comprehensive understanding of the compliance landscape and the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively manage compliance within an organization. By obtaining this certification, individuals demonstrate their knowledge and commitment to compliance. They are better equipped to manage compliance risks and ensure that their organizations operate within the bounds of the law.
Who should attend?
The Certified Compliance Specialist Training Course by Rcademy aims to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of corporate compliance from a worldwide standpoint. The course is designed for professionals who are in charge of ensuring that regulations are followed in their organizations, such as:
- Chief Compliance Officers are tasked with overseeing the company’s compliance with applicable rules and regulations
- Senior executives and directors are responsible for creating and implementing plans and strategies to help the company achieve its compliance goals
- Secretaries in corporations are in charge of the administrative aspects of an organization, especially in terms of maintaining compliance with applicable laws and regulations
- Risk management officers who ensure that risk rules and practices for an organization are communicated, and controls are in place
- Legal counselors and attorneys are responsible for making certain that all legislative requirements are met by their organization and that those not met are rectified accordingly
- Managers and auditors who make certain that tax regulations are complied with by checking and verifying financial information
- Supervisory board members who provide guidance and oversight to the board of directors on matters about the company’s operation.
What are the course objectives?
The Certified Compliance Specialist Training Course by Rcademy aims to help participants learn the fundamental principles and intricacies of compliance management by achieving the following objectives:
- Discover what regulation is and why it is necessary
- Appreciate the importance of regulatory and compliance tasks
- Comprehend the mechanics of compliance
- Identify reasons to comply with regulations and standards in business and other organizations
- Analyze the significance of compliance in supporting a sector’s financial well-being, public image, and operational efficiency
- Recognize the whole process of compliance
- Learn how to create rules and requirements for their particular industries’ procedures
- Learn how to create a process for effectively managing compliance
- Acquire the skills needed to enable legal action, including federal fines, in the event of regulatory compliance infractions
- Know how to prevent compliance violations by ensuring that your calibrations align with regulatory bodies
- Acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to follow all applicable rules and regulations
- Recognize the potential dangers and devise preventative measures by international standards for Compliance Management
How will this course be presented?
This Rcademy certificate course will involve methods that will make it an interactive training program. Various methods will provide information, including audio and video lectures, in-person meetings, and hands-on activities like role-playing, case studies, and workgroups.
Rcademy places a greater emphasis on hands-on learning. Learning outcomes may be improved with the use of feedback from participants. To reinforce theoretical information, ensure its retention, and keep up with current trends and best practices, the curriculum for this compliance specialist course is revised regularly.
What are the topics covered in this course?
Module 1: Introduction to Compliance Management
- Definition and management of compliance
- Consequences of not managing compliance
- Compliance management processes and risks and mitigation strategies
- Risk assessment
Module 2: International Compliance Management
- The regulator’s responsibilities
- Models of Regulation across the World
- The latest developments in international law
- Role of national governments in international compliance
Module 3: Proliferation and Money Laundering Risk Management
- Products and services vulnerable to money laundering activities
- Communication between the compliance officer and stakeholders
- Creating an efficient reporting system for the company’s employees
- The use of a risk-based money laundering strategy
- Tax evasion and money laundering
Module 4: Corporate Governance Stakeholder
- Who are the stakeholders?
- Rights of shareholders
- The Responsibilities and Privileges of Directors
- Conducting internal and external audits
- Managing and reacting to identified potential risks
Module 5: Enterprise Risk Management
- Perception of danger
- Why is risk important?
- Definitions of risk management
- Process for minimizing risk
- Prevention of dangers, management of dangers, and control of dangers
- Changes in the internal environment
- International standards for risk management
Module 6: The Foundations of Successful Compliance
- Five fundamental building blocks of an effective compliance
- Responsibility and commitment to effective compliance
- Structures for successful compliance
- Processes for effective compliance
- The use of rewards and penalties
- Evaluating and enhancing
Module 7: Ethics and Compliance
- Ethics vs Regulation
- Norms and principles
- Intersections between Ethics and Compliance
- Roles of ethics and compliance personnel
- Common challenges in ethics and compliance
Module 8: Auditing for Compliance
- ISSAI term glossary
- Compliance auditing in the public sector
- In-house vs out-sourced audit
- Importance of compliance auditing
- Key features of a compliance audit
Module 9: Risk Assessment
- Identifying internal and external threats
- Types of internal risks
- Static and speculative threats to investment
- Strategic risk management
- Guidelines for the management of risk
- Policy for risk management
- Obstacles facing risk management
- Organizational risk management: the function of the human resources department
Module 10: External Audits
- Cybersecurity
- Spending on capital assets
- Managing information
- The integrity of data in a network
- Data mining and continuous monitoring
- Relationships with third parties
- Implementation and improvement of the regulatory process