Effective Presentation Skills for Finance Professionals and Executives
Date | Format | Duration | Fees (GBP) | Register |
17 Mar - 04 Apr, 2025 | Live Online | 15 Days | £8675 | Register → |
21 Apr - 25 Apr, 2025 | Live Online | 5 Days | £2850 | Register → |
21 May - 23 May, 2025 | Live Online | 3 Days | £1975 | Register → |
01 Sep - 05 Sep, 2025 | Live Online | 5 Days | £2850 | Register → |
03 Nov - 07 Nov, 2025 | Live Online | 5 Days | £2850 | Register → |
08 Dec - 12 Dec, 2025 | Live Online | 5 Days | £2850 | Register → |
Date | Venue | Duration | Fees (GBP) | Register |
12 Mar - 14 Mar, 2025 | London | 3 Days | £3825 | Register → |
14 Apr - 18 Apr, 2025 | Nairobi | 5 Days | £4350 | Register → |
16 Jun - 04 Jul, 2025 | Kuala Lumpur | 15 Days | £10400 | Register → |
07 Jul - 18 Jul, 2025 | London | 10 Days | £8750 | Register → |
03 Sep - 05 Sep, 2025 | Houston | 3 Days | £4125 | Register → |
20 Oct - 24 Oct, 2025 | London | 5 Days | £4750 | Register → |
01 Dec - 05 Dec, 2025 | Abuja | 5 Days | £4350 | Register → |
Why Select this Training Course?
In the finance industry, how you present a piece of information is as good as the information you are giving. Effective presentation skills and highly developed accounting and finance knowledge will take you far in your career.
What are the vital skills for effective financial presentations?
The presentation involves communicating data in ways that are informative and interesting. Today, presentation skills are needed in virtually all industries to help businesses deliver factual and critical information to target audiences. The top presentation skills every presenter needs to possess include honesty and enthusiasm, which involves excitingly delivering messages to the audience. Secondly, strong focus on the audience, effective presenters provide information in ways centered around the audience and not themselves. The third effective presentation skill is keeping messages straightforward. Finally, ensure you are personable in your presentation and have excellent body language.
What are the types of financial presentations?
The financial presentation provides valuable insights into the company’s financial performance and helps evaluate the challenges and how to improve them. The method utilized in presenting financial information is essential for passing the data to necessary stakeholders, and generally, financial presentation involves four major financial statements:
- Balance sheets display what an organization owns and owes at a given period.
- Statements of shareholders’ equity indicate the changes in shareholders’ interests over time.
- Cash flow statements show the exchange of finances between the firm and outsiders for a fixed period.
- Income statements show the amount of money realized by a company over a given period.
The Rcademy Effective Presentation Skills for Finance Professionals and Executives course is designed to equip participants with the rudiments of effective communication and how to prepare, plan and present financial presentations with an impact on external and internal audiences. Attendees will also learn how to analyze financial data, the interpretation techniques required, valuable presentation skills, and utilize Excel to deliver financial information.
Who Should Attend?
The Effective Presentation Skills for Finance Professionals and Executives Training Course by Rcademy is designed for a wide range of professionals engaged in various types of financial presentations. The following personnel should undertake the course:
- Finance directors: tasked with managing a firm’s short-term and long-term financial growth
- Chief financial officers: charged with overseeing the financial activities of a company
- Planning and budgeting managers: responsible for monitoring the entire budgeting process of a company
- Management accountants: tasked with recording and managing a company’s investments and designing financial decisions
- Tax managers: responsible for developing and filing tax documents for entities
- Senior finance managers: responsible for monitoring investment decisions and designing strategic financial goals for a company
- Investment analysts: charged with performing research and evaluating assets
- Tax auditors: tasked with executing tax audits for public and private bodies and designing tax reports
- Asset Managers: responsible for managing the assets of a company and also executing programs that raise the value of a company’s assets
- Financial Reporting Associates: tasked with preparing and reviewing financial information
- Professionals interested in learning about practical financial presentation skills
What are the Course Objectives?
The Effective Presentation Skills for Finance Professionals and Executives Training Course by Rcademy will provide attendees with the in-depth knowledge and skills required to interpret and effectively communicate financial reports to relevant stakeholders. At the close of the course, participants would have learned the following objectives:
- Design clear financial reports and business insight through Excel and PowerPoint
- Utilise proven rules of effective communication to deliver financial messages to relevant stakeholders within and outside the financial industry
- Recognize the principles of effective communication and why it is vital in the financial industry
- Learn valuable skills used in handling difficult questions and challenging people
- Recognize the needs of the audience while making a financial presentation
- Understand how to interpret financial instruments and critical business performance metrics
- Learn how to make presentations with real impacts on stakeholders
- Understand the relevant presentation skills utilized in financial presentation and how to develop them
How will this Course be Presented?
The Effective Presentation Skills for Finance Professionals and Executives course is participant-oriented and designed to meet participants’ expectations and improve their knowledge and skill of the subject matter. Different practical approaches to ensure attendees’ active and constant learning will be utilized to present this course. Renowned experts and professionals who have gathered years of practice and experience will teach the course within the field. The course modules are also drawn from exhaustive and meticulous research into the subject matter.
The Rcademy course on Effective Presentation Skills for Finance Professionals and Executives integrates practical and theoretical learning by providing attendees with cases, studies, lectures, slides on the concepts, and real-life scenarios. Participants will also engage in presentations, seminar workshops, quizzes, and regular feedback on lessons learned to confirm their optimum satisfaction.
What are the Topics Covered in this Course?
Module 1: Introduction to Financial Analysis and Presentation
- Introduction and definition of terms
- Principles of financial presentation and Interpretation
- Calculating and interpreting financial ratios
- Principles of business intelligence and Analytics
- A practical approach to financial analysis
- Using data analytics in Excel
Module 2: Delivering with Impact
- Introducing a financial presentation
- Pitch, pace, and pausing
- The value of metaphors
- Gestures and body language
- Logical flow and the benefits of signpost slide
- Positional anchors
- Sensory based language
- Lines of sight and visual aids
- Ending
Module 3: Integrating Key Performance Measures
- Understanding and using the balanced scorecard
- Designing and using dashboards in Excel
- The principles of integrated reporting
- Identifying key performance indicators (KPIs) in an organization
- Exploiting Excel’s advanced data analysis functions
- Utilizing the effective performance management framework
Module 4: Handling Hostile Questions
- Recognizing hostile questions
- Types/examples of hostile questions
- The 3-step technique
- Replying with a question
- Car parking
- Gestures and body language
- Inviting audience participation
Module 5: Building Presenter Confidence
- Importance of confidence in the presentation process
- Having expert beliefs
- The conditioning process
- Understanding the material
- Resource anchoring
- Developing positive emotions
- Recalling the past positive experience
- Using triggers
Module 6: Preparing for a Financial Presentation
- Mastering how to communicate vital finance concepts effectively
- Designing Excel reports for non-financial audiences
- The principles of effective communication
- Avoiding common presentation mistakes
- Using Excel to create graphics with impacts
- The principles and practice of effective data visualization
Module 7: Voice Development Exercises
- Speaking naturally with pride
- Breathing projection
- Resonance
- Correct posture and relaxation
- Monitoring your speech cadence
- Diaphragmatic breathing
Module 8: Analysing Financial Statements
- Importance of financial statements
- Types of financial statements
– Income statements
– Cashflow statements
– Balance sheets
– Statements of shareholders’ equity
- Financial ratio analysis
- Horizontal and vertical analysis
- Ratio analysis
- Forecasting financial statements
Module 9: Feedback and Reviews
- Types of Feedback and Reviews
- Analyzing feedback and reviews
- Importance of feedbacks
- Replying to a review
- Handling feedback
- Difference between feedback and criticisms
Module 10: Presenting a Winning Financial Presentation
- Writing an effective financial report
- Managing meetings and audiences
- Reporting to stakeholders
- Tips for delivering knock-out presentations
- Managing stage fright