The Top 10 Benefits of Time Management

Time Management is the process of organising and planning to help you divide your time between specific tasks to increase efficiency, effectiveness, and productivity. People in every society are driven by productivity, and we all can become more efficient if we practice good time management.


Planning your time enables you to use it most efficiently and accomplish the tasks that needed to be completed.


Time management is essential in every area of your life. Inability in managing your time effectively can have some very undesirable consequences like missed deadlines, inefficient workflow, poor work quality, and higher stress levels. To practice time management, you need to invest a little time and effort to prioritize and organise the tasks at hand.


Time management allows you to control your time and therefore control your life. If you want to achieve a specific goal, then you should use time management to allocate time. There are many ways and tools to manage your time, like creating a To-do list and time looking approach or mix of both of them. The key to good time management is to understand the difference between Urgent and Important.


Good time management enables you to work smarter, not harder, to get more work done in less time. We all feel that there is never enough time in a day, as we all have the same 24 hours to do our things; why is it that some people are achieving a lot more with their time than others?


The answer lies in ‘Good Time Management. Time management makes a whole lot of difference in everything we do and how efficiently we do it.
These are just a few of the benefits of time management. Now let’s dive into discussing the top 10 benefits of time management.


  1. Exploitation of Wasted Time

One of the benefits of time management is the exploitation of wasted time that goes in vain. It can be exploited by completing some small or even large projects, such as writing ideas for a project when waiting for a movie show in the cinema or enjoying a cup of coffee while staying at the dentist’s clinic. The goal of taking advantage of these lost and unhelpful moments is to use the time for self-interest.

Many people do not realise the importance and use of these times, but once it is in practice, you will see how beneficial it will become and make your job much easier. By practising time management, you can exploit the wasted time in many ways, such as using a time tracking application.

One of the best ways is to get clear on your priorities and to do it very deliberately. If you want to be clear on your preferences and your values and on what you are doing, it may also be helpful to have a written record of what you are doing at the moment and to update it quite frequently.


  1.  Multitasking

One of the benefits of time management is the ability to multitask and accomplish many tasks by making the most of the time. The required task is accomplished to the fullest extent and then moving to the next task, which leads to increased productivity and completing the largest number of required duties.

Maximum benefits from the effort regulating time benefit the human being through the full benefits from his actions and not being lost. The fruits of time management are reaped upon obtaining a high academic achievement or achieving a successful achievement in work or other work benefits to man. Being mindful, focused, and training yourself to avoid distractions will allow you to retrain yourself to pay attention in your multitasking.


  1. Satisfaction with the Work Manager

Satisfaction with the work manager is a goal that you realise when organising time, as the employee who performs his work to the fullest and does not postpone a required job and does not forget the duties assigned to him by the manager. He will undoubtedly get the manager’s satisfaction because of the organisation of the time that it brought him benefit.

Time management satisfies your work manager and yourself when you will see the extra work done at your part and appreciations from others, which will motivate you to do your best. This will help you in your promotions and excellent work experience.


  1. Finding Time

Finding time for rest is one of the benefits of time management. It is the ability to spend time with family and friends or rest, as organising time will provide all of this and develop different social activities. Time management offers a space for reading, reflecting, and various forms of entertainment. Time management contributes significantly to alleviating the different stresses resulting from work in addition to reducing the different stresses of life.

When you have a hectic life and days full of work, this is the most ignored factor you need the most. Through Time management, you can divide yours in such a way that you get all your to-do list checked and get enough moments for yourself at the same time in the same schedule.


  1. Self-Discipline

Time management is the best tool to have self-discipline because it is one of the primary trait of a successful person, whether in their personal or professional lives. It all starts with an inherent ability for self-control. According to research, 41% of items that people put on their to-do lists are never done because they lack self-discipline.

Time management is beneficial because it teaches you self-discipline, which is all about learning into resistance and taking actions despite how you feel and living a life by design, not by default. With self-discipline, you will be able to set clear goals, manage your time effectively, persist through the tough times and think positive thoughts.


  1. Priorities

Knowing your priorities at work will make you more productive and save you from long workdays. Create a task list of everything that you need to undertake at any time for you to accomplish that goal. Take a look at your task list with a critical eye to determine what is truly important and what is truly urgent.

Most of the time, urgent and important tasks are urgent requests from your boss, a client crisis, and a technical outage. These are all critical and essential things for your company as well as for your career success. Tasks like email, inbox, and slack messages usually are not as important and urgent. By going through this exercise and identifying the things that are important and urgent is your first step in being able to prioritize them effectively.


  1. Productivity

The most important benefit of time management is productivity. Time management increases productivity in a lot of ways, such as preparing in advance. They say, ‘Proper prior preparation saves poor performance or prevents poor performance.’ When you practice time management, then you will most likely prepare your work list for the following day as your last task before your sound sleep.

Planning your day in advance actually increases your self-esteem and improves your sense of personal power. Time management will increase your productivity by starting your day early.
If we refer to the biographies and autobiographies of successful people, most if not all of them have one thing in common: excellent organisational skills and the habit of going to bed early at a reasonable hour and starting the day early.

A few minutes of diving in and reflecting before you begin any undertaking can save you many hours in executing the task.


  1. Organisational Skills

If you want to improve your organisational skills, then start with using a filing system both at home and at work. As much as 30% of the working time now a days is easily thrown away in looking for  items that are simply misplaced and forgotten. These are things that go missing because they have not been filed correctly. Few activities spend your valuable time looking for misplaced information and materials because no thought is getting to a filing and retrieval system.

The best and most straightforward of all filing systems is an alphabetical system in conjunction with another filing system. Start by having a master list or record of all of your files in a single place, like your laptop or desktop. This master list can provide with the title of each file and tells you where the file is located.


  1. Prime Time.

When you practice time management, you will notice that you have a prime time in yourself. With prime time you can organise your life in a way where you are doing creative work during your internal prime time.

This internal prime time is the time of day according to your body clock when you are the most alert and most productive. For most people, this time would be in the morning hours after resting the whole night. For some night people, it’s in the evening.

You must be aware of your internal prime time to know when you function at your best. This can help you schedule your most important projects accordingly,  which in turn improves your productivity. Your essential work often requires that you be at your very best, rested, alert, and creative.


  1. Travel Productivity

An important area where time management skills are vital is travel, especially air travel. Everybody is traveling by air today and most people who fly waste that time when it could be very productive. According to research, one hour of uninterrupted work time in an airplane yielded the equivalent of three hours of work in a regular office work environment. If you practice time management and organise your work before leaving for the airport, you can increase productivity by accomplishing an enormous amount when you are in the air.

These time management practices can benefit you in increasing your productivity dramatically in the weeks and months ahead.